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Designed to get more involved with Widgets

Theme can talk to the widget

large=(min-width: 1500px);
medium=(min-width: 0);
Widgets are part of extensions. Theme can send recommendation to the widget.
For example, they can recommend to use medium picture size for large picture if they are loading here.
Now widget knows how to return the final result for the current theme.

Global CSS Classes

There are some global CSS Classes on theme. Widget can use them on front-end. It can help widgets to look good in your current theme.

List style is in the hand of the Theme

Theme can have many list styles and Widgets can use those list styles for showing list (If they want).

THPR (Theme Post Result)

THPR is a powerful tool for themes in the front-end to post data and receive the result.
6A72 Content Management System
Javad Rahmatzadeh
6A72 Content Management System